Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The USA's elections

I'm not a very political person. I must confess I don't really understand much about politics, not because I don't want too, but because it's a very unique world within our world. But every now and then, I find myself thinking were did some ideas come from, or why certain parties defend a specific idea, etc.
Sometimes I have that urge of informing myself about what is happening in the political arena around the world, so that I can build up my own opinion about the state of the world.
And yesterday, after all the newspapers and news channels were talking over and over again about the USA's elections, a question poped into my mind: How did the animal icons of the Republicans and Democrats originate?
If you think about it they are kind of strange. A dunky and an elephant...nothing to do with the United States, right?? So I started to look arround the internet and found the answer. For all of you who are interested in enlarging their knowledge about the world, go to this site and you will find the answer:

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