Sunday, February 24, 2008

In the Valley of Elah

HANK: There were two armies assembled, the Israelites and the Philistines; they were both on hills, with the Valley of Elah between them. That's a place in Palestine. You know where that is?

David shakes his head

HANK: It doesn't matter. Anyway, the Philistines had a champion, a giant named Goliath. Every day for 40 days, Goliath strode out into the field and challenged somebody from the other side to fight him, and nobody would. The strongest and bravest warriors that the king had were all too scared. So, this kid, not much older than you, he comes delivering bread. And he says to the king,
"I'll fight Goliath."

DAVID: No way.

HANK True story. So, the king dressed David in his own armor, but it was much too big and heavy. So, David takes it off. He looks around and finds five smooth stones, about yay big. He steps into the field, with his slingshot in his hand. And Goliath comes running, yelling, this horrible scream. And David lets fly the stone. And hits him in the forehead. Cracks his skull. And Goliath falls down, dead.

HANK: You know how he was able to beat him?

David shakes his head, enthralled.

HANK: First thing David had to fight was his own fear. He beat that, he beat Goliath. Cause when Goliath charged, David just planted his feet, took aim, and waited. You know how much nerve that took? A few more steps and Goliath would have crushed him. And then he threw the rock. That's how you fight monsters. Lure 'em close to you, look 'em in the eye
and smack 'em down.

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