Monday, May 15, 2006

Some things simply speak for themselves

At the end of the day, there are some things you just can't help but talk about. Some things we just don't want to hear, and some things we say because we can't be silent any longer. Some things are more than what you say, they're what you do. Some things you say cause there's no other choice. Some things you keep to yourself. And not too often, but every now and then, some things simply speak for themselves.
"Grey´s Anatomy"

1 comment:

Tigas said...

Esse cinzento tinha uma anatomia muito interessante...
E pensar que tudo isso que vai por essa cabeça está tão perto de nós, sem que o vejamos.
Talvez um dia (brevemente espero eu, senão lá se vai a minha honra) possas gritar tudo isso e muito mais para dentro de mim.