Sunday, October 22, 2006

Artist of the month

Today i decided to create something new in the blog. since we have the quote of the day, the book of the week and "some music just need rolle down your window", why don't we have the artist of the month?? It can be either a writer, actor/actress, group, singer, etc.
If you have any sugestion on who can be the artist of december please let us know.

For November I chose Matchbox20, a band i like a lot since i was 12.

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

ines said...

gostava de saber escrever assim xeia de pinta em inglês... mas sou uma nabona e tudo por causa do cabronel!!! lol Acho que a escolha está perfeita! Matchbox 20 é um grupo que ainda tem muito para dar! A minha nota 7/10