Sunday, December 23, 2007

This is me (Part 1)

I'm not always as confident as I seem ... there are many nights and many days when all I want is to be held. I love being held. Always. Sometimes I don't want to talk about what is bothering me ... sometimes I just want a hug ... someone who will let me cry. I like when boys cry in front of me -- when people aren't afraid to show what they're really feeling. I don't like when people run from their true feelings because it doesn't do anyone any good. I wear my heart on my sleeve, but I am not naive. I know what it feels like to be completely broken and I am all too familiar with what it means to be hurt. "I know what it's like to see something funny and not laugh." I've been taken advantage of, used, and abused. My feelings have been blatantly disregarded. But I still believe that all people are good at heart ... and my trust in people has not diminished. To be completely honest, I hope it never does. Ever.

Writings by Samantha Mott

1 comment:

Rita Costa said...

Gostei e identifiquei-me com a primeira parte, e a segunda, e terceira... Até chegar à última parte e pensar:Bolas!já me tinha esquecido disto... E é mesmo verdade. Obrigado por me voltares a lembrar que apesar de todo o mal que alguém nos pode fazer, temos de acreditar que não podemos perder a confiança no resto do mundo. Sobretudo nesta época de esperança :)